Thursday, May 22, 2008

Time = Fate

I was thinking this morning about time. Time is deciphered by the rotation of the earth around the sun, we all know this but who invented ‘time’? Every single human being lives by this code. We form societies and place emphasis on the importance of understanding this principle. It becomes the god of our lives because we relentlessly need to know it, see it, and live by it. You age a person by this code, we age our days by this code. What if we decided to just do away with time? We don’t pay attention to our schedules, show up whenever we feel like it. Radio/T.V. stations, movie theaters, sports, churches, workplaces, schools, etc. do and play whatever, whenever. People come and go at will, absolute chaos…or is it? Maybe we need this to show that we do not control the world- we are just spectators. The moment we feel disorder is brewing we do anything and everything we can to bring ‘order.’ We want to know that time is on our side and we control our providence. It needs to said that time is our enemy. It is the silent killer that will eventually drive us to extinction. Anxiety, knowledge, and faith all has its roots in time and all three tend to drive a man to death. Freedom awaits us only if we decide to give up our regiments and realize that time is only an invention, not a way of life. Will this ever happen? Probably not. The paradox of the whole thing is I’m limited by TIME and I have to finish this blog or I’ll get in trouble at work. I guess that makes me a charlatan.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Website

Today, I finally launched my first business website. It feels great! I just got an email letting me know that the business cards I ordered are on their way. I feel like I'm taking the right steps to make my dream of being a professional photographer a reality!