Monday, October 12, 2009


One of my favorite quotes is from Dan Kimball's book It states: 'Christian fundamentalists seem to use the Bible like a weapon, quoting verses out of context like bullets to shoot anything or anyone they don't like' -Penny. Growing up, I was always told why certain things were wrong (i.e. He-man, Rock music, wearing shorts, etc.) because it went against our 'Testimony.' They would try to back it up with scriptures out of context such as Col. 3:23-24 (KJV mind you): "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" or I Cor. 6:19: "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" As a child, I took the 'adults' word for it and believed it because they told me to. As I've gotten older, I started to question this methodology. First of all, when was this 'evil way' they're attacking revealed to them? You'll find that many times, they're cloning ideas from past dignitary pastors that didn't like change to begin with. You know who I'm refering to. The nay sayers who would attack anything that went against their comfort zone and revealed a new mindset. Second, I do believe in having a good testimony but who are you trying to uphold your testimony to? I've found that many christians today do not like somehting that's 'new' or a different way of thinking so they sweep it under a rug of scripture and justify it by saying "it's not my idea, God said it!" Well, I'm sick and tired of it. Just because you may not like a particular method doesn't mean God's against it. In fact, if you recall, the Pharisees were against Christ due to his 'new methods.' So, going forward, I will be bucking the traditional system. If I feel lead to do something and a 'fundamentalist' attacks me with a scripture out of context, I'm going to question them. Tell me exactly why they feel I'm "backsliding." If they answer me with one of the cliches, I'm going to still question them until they can give me an answer of originality.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Make like a tree and...


He is like a tree planted by the streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.
- Psalm 1:3

Friday, March 27, 2009

Theologian: Who?

Theologian. Who is it? What makes a person a ‘Theologian’? When I was attending Bible College I understood a theologian to be a person who was high and mighty. A celebrity, Bible rock star, someone who had it all figured out. They knew the Bible like no other person. Their insight was the ‘final’ word when it came to explaining tough scriptures and/or subjects. No doubt theologians are well versed in the scriptures. They do provide insight and explain scriptures better than a lot of pastors out there. I wondered though, what made them a theologian? I understand the amount of time it took them to achieve those degrees and it’s nothing to scoff at. What I don’t understand is what makes this person’s opinion valued more than others? It boggles my mind that our society holds people higher if they have several degrees from various colleges and have very formal certificates framed on their office walls to let everyone know how much they know. My focus is not to attack theologians. My focus is to question people in their reasons of forming their opinions from the opinions of others. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather go to a doctor that has his medical degree proudly displayed for my own assurance but I want us to evaluate our own personal views of theology. The scripture says in Matthew 8 that “the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express and he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit.” Let’s look back at Christ’s life here on earth. Whom did He choose to ‘follow’ Him and continue His message? Was it the theologians of the day? The scholars whom God ordained that had their plaques proudly displayed amongst the pictures with their golfing buddies? No, these men were Common people with uncommon purposes whom Christ selected for His purpose. My next question is who recorded the life of Christ in the second part of the Bible we know as the ‘New Testament’? I like how Rob Bell, pastor of Mars Hill, put it…It was the ‘B’ team. These were the non-scholars whom tried to make sense of this one they called the Messiah. They knew the scriptures very well and understood the complexity of God’s words. I think the most amazing part of this whole scenario is they just discussed their relationship with Christ. They didn’t try to explain every single detail to create a pleonasm. I love the way Luke said it in his opening statement. “Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you…” Quite simply, they observed their God at work using their lives. They were thespians in an ongoing drama that God chose to cast. God chooses us also. We are all, whether we like it or not, trying to ‘draw up an account the things that have been fulfilled among us.’ Every single person at least once in their life questions their own part in this multi-act play called life. So why are we valuing the opinions of others more than the truth of Christ and the Spirit? Check yourself. Review your own relationship with God, for He is the only one who can provide truth through the mediator known as the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Album coming out!!!!

I just found out the one of my new favorite bands (Red) is coming out with another album. Below is their new song! It is AWESOME!!!


Sunday, January 4, 2009


I love this song by Ben Folds. I think it captures the deteriorating image of Christians throughout the United States. We basically have a Church on every corner who hold pious services boasting about how much good they’ve done and how much money they’ve contributed to the mission fields, yet they’ll refuse anybody who’ll walk into their services that don’t match their “Christian” look. Jesusland. They focus on what version of the Bible you’re reading and how wrong it is if it doesn’t fall in line with theirs. Jesusland. They’ll crucify anyone who shows any type of emotion during their solemn services of only Piano and Organ with their American Standard Hymns approved only by them because “that’s the way it’s always been.” Jesusland. They’ll kick you out the door if you even think about raising your hands. Jesusland. They’ll cry while watching slideshows the missionaries show them of the poverty stricken families across the border, yet will make racial slurs and roll their eyes if they see the same type of people working on the roads and trying to make an honest living in their own city. Jesusland. Their pastors will preach for hours about the ‘ungodly’ society and how it shows the ‘end is near,’ yet they make no effort to try to make it better. Jesusland. ‘…town to town, broadcast to each house, they drop your name but no one knows your face. Billboards quoting things you’d never say, you hang your head and pray for’ Jesusland.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Time

IMG_0156, originally uploaded by C-More Awesomeness.

Better late then never. I finally have my family Christmas pics up on my flickr. Click here to view the slideshow.