Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pure in heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Mt. 5:8)

How can I be 'pure in heart?' This is the beginning of a long turmoil that I'm dealing with right now. Yes, on the outside, I can look "pure" or like a great Christian but I know that the outside doesn't matter. I yearn to have a pure heart that rediates throughout every aspect of my life. I want to be able to not look upon another woman lustfully. I want to be able to have compassion as my first reaction. I want to be able to forgive instead of retaliate. Is there anyone out there reading this that can explain and show me how to be pure in heart? I don't want cookie cutter christian answers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a way to be pure in heart, is to just first of all be honest.
Stay away from bad influences, such as bad television shows.
Also, learn not to be judgmental, maybe by looking up passages in the Bible about it, reading battlefield of the mind... or reading books and looking on the internet about it.
Another thing maybe is just doing good things, practicing the 9 fruits o the spirit, and making it a habit.
No swearing, and try to think good positive thoughts. I forgot where exactly I heard this, but the thoughts lead to your actions.