Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What do I believe?

There are many things that I’m on the fence about or that I just don’t have an opinion on. Basically, I don’t know what I believe sometimes. Is that bad? I don’t know, you be the judge…which I’m sure you will be. For instance, I’m on the fence when it comes to politics. I don’t know if I’m a Democrat or Republican or if I even care at all. I don’t like any of the candidates or politicians for that matter. I think they all talk a lot and do very little since it’s really not up to them individually. I also tend to sway a lot on issues due to people creating a powerful case. When it comes to the whole ‘global warming’ crap, it varies from day to day. A part of me thinks that we are in a seasonal change which can be historically proven; however, another part of me thinks that humans screwed the earth up due to our insatiable appetite to consume and destroy. With all of that said, there are things that I absolutely believe in and cannot be swayed on. They are the following:

1. I believe God exists but not the way churches teach. I don’t believe there is a ‘physical’ throne up on top of a big cloud floating somewhere in space. I believe that God is a spirit (John 1:18) and our small human minds could never comprehend what or who God looks like because there is not a standard comparison to associate God with. I’m not refuting Revelation or other parts of scripture where it describes God. I do believe that when God chose to be shown to man, appearances were in the form of items or bodies that the mind could recognize and comprehend (e.g. burning bush- Exodus 3:2). However, the true appearance of God could never be determined in our current and present state.

2. The Bible is the Word of God but is NOT confined to one particular language or translation. I believe that God ‘breathed’ his word into humans to inspire them to write the passages, however, it would be very condescending to assume that the Holy Words of the Blessed God is only preserved in one language and one translation. 2 Timothy 3:16 states that “…ALL scripture is ‘inspired.’” Notice it doesn’t say ‘…all scriptures is inspired.’ Romans 8:26 states that the Spirit intercedes with ‘groans’ that words cannot express. The moment humans start to make bold proclamations that only one version is the only Word of God, we take the authority away from God and place it upon ourselves stating “God cannot spread his word any other way except through our preserved translation and language.” This also applies to denominations and music.

3. Abortion and Gay marriages should NOT be issues under a political platform. Before I go any further I want to set a couple things straight. I disagree with abortion, I believe it is murder. For instance, if a pregnant woman was a victim of a homicide, the killer is tried on TWO counts of murder instead of one. Also, a human breeds another human, not an animal or just tissue until lungs are filled with air. It is ridiculous to say that a woman who is carrying another human life has the right to decide if that life is going to live. I also do not agree with homosexuality. Basic human anatomy proves my point and I don’t think I need to elaborate on that. So, now that I’ve established my ‘ultra-conservative’ viewpoint on the issues I believe that the government should NOT get involved. Why should the government make a law based on opinions? Yep, I said it, OPINIONS. Let’s face it, the two items above are my opinions even though I fully believe them and have facts to back it up. There will always be homosexuality and abortions, why try to fight it. It’ll make those who agree with the issues want to do them even more. I believe laws are created to protect the citizens, not force opinions.

Now that I have these things off my chest, I feel better. These are all I can think of right now so there might or might not be more in later blogs. If you feel so inclined to respond, feel free. Let me warn you that if you try to force your opinion on me, I’ll probably call you an idiot because I just don’t care what you think. As stated above, these are what I believe and nobody can change that.

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